Content Management und Hosting sind zwei Dienstleistungen, bei denen lochmüller.MEDIA seit Jahren mit Treepl CMS arbeitet. Mit Treepl ist die Entwicklung komplexer und individuell zugeschnittener Business-Websites zu vergleichsweise günstigen Preisen möglich. Das ukrainische Entwickler-Team, das mittlerweile dezentral außerhalb der Ukraine arbeitet, hat jetzt Version 6.10 ihrer Software-as-a-Service-Plattform fertiggestellt – mit ...
WeiterlesenCustomer-specific developments
We design your project with functions and design according to your specifications. CMS, data import and export, interfaces - customise all the details. Worldwide, with server locations in Germany, UK, USA, Canada and Australia.
Configure projectPackages for practices and companies
We are specialised in medical practices, medical institutions and small and medium-sized enterprises. CMS, design, content, SEO: choose your package according to the size of your business - with the option of upgrades at any time.
Choose packageOur mission
Our ambition is to find the best solution for your project - in the long run. That's why we don't leave you alone once your medium has been launched. And we give a special guarantee on the quality of our work.
Find out which
Treepl CMS v6 has fired up the turbo
Software-as-a-Service for your web project - now with multithreading.As one of the leading licensing partners in Germany, we provide with Treepl CMS You can get your project, including the backend, up and running faster than with many website builders and are usually as flexible as with a complete in-house development. Version 6 of Treepl now comes with a completely new foundation - which makes the CMS one of the fastest solutions on the market.
More about Treepl CMS v6Almost unlimited possibilities
Our integrated solutions offer almost everything, for example ...eCommerce
Shops for tangible and intangible products, subscription models, events
B2B applications, social networks, sites with user-generated content
Event booking
Sites for bookings, with quota tickets by code and access control
Intranet & API
Share data and updates with customers and team in protected areas on your site & via API
Native video chat
Bring your customers to your website for a video conversation instead of Zoom, Skype & Co.
Data Visualisation & Maps
Maps and graphs based on CMS data or real-time feeds
Publishing & Marketing
Blogs, online magazines, multimedia stories - supported by the marketing tool of your choice
Multimedia content
Use our customised texts, photos, graphics and videos for your media project
Search engine optimisation
Sustainable positioning of your presence via content, social or Adword marketing
And this is how we do in practice
An incomplete selection of our projectsMedia Weekly: das Blog
Aktuelles von lochmüller.MEDIA mit Blick auf die Medienwelt, Technologie und die GesellschaftSeit einigen Jahren war es problematisch, bestimmte digitale Tools, deren Betriebe ihren Sitz und ihre ...
Warum Elon Musks radikale Maßnahmen bei Twitter keine Überraschung sind Viele Beobachter schauen erstaunt auf ...
Noch gut neun Monate sind es, bis Adobe seine Business-Catalyst-Server abschaltet. Im kommenden März sind drei ...
Stellen wir uns vor, dass sie für den Relaunch ihrer Website eine Agentur beauftragt haben. ...