These answers may help you
Do you have any questions about our services? We have already prepared something here. But don't hesitate to contact us if you don't understand something or would like to know more details. We are here for you.
CMS (9)
Through the website you can access your Treepl CMS email account with any browser via webmailer. There you can also set up forwardings and change the password.
You can find a brief insight here:
If you want to reset your password for an e-mail account, you have two options:
- Contact us directly. We will be happy to reset your password manually via our portal access.
- Use your webmailer at After you have logged in there, you can change your password yourself at any time at Settings/Password.
If your website hosting with Treepl CMS also includes email accounts, you can use them in two ways:
With a web browser: To do this, go to this page and enter your email address and password there when prompted.
With an e-mail programme on your computer or smartphone: Please look for the option to set up an e-mail account manually in your programme. You will need the following information:
Username: Your email address
Password: Your Password
Server for incoming mail (Pop3 oder IMAP):
Server for outgoing mail:
You may also need to make so-called port settings:
Port settings for incoming mail |
IMAP and POP3 are equally supported |
Port Settings for Outgoing Mail |
465 (SSL enabled) | 25 or 587 (TLS) | 8025 (SSL disabled) |
Please contact us, if you have difficulties setting up your e-mail account in the programme of your choice.
Treepl CMS offers dedicated servers as a service. These offer scalable performance on enterprise-level with intelligent and transparent billing. You can add servers, CPU power, memory and bandwidth at any time - and precisely for the period in which the service is required. Treepl also offers a Remote Data Service (RDS): Store your data in your own IT infrastructure and use your Treepl AWS instance to process it and display it on your website at high speed.
With Pastime Screen, you can bring your own content to any internet-enabled screen in your practice or business - for example, waiting rooms, lounges, registration areas or lounges. You can provide your visitors with information about services, messages, news or simply entertaining content in text, image, video or audio form - controlled from the same admin portal you use to manage your website. Promote your latest product or service. Or welcome your customers with personalised messages. Provide an overview of the programme, speakers or even participants present at your events or conferences. In short: Bring your digital content into your room with the help of Pastime Screen.
Pastime Content adds professional content related to your field or industry to Pastime Screen. Configure streams with text, images and videos that suit you and add them to your Pastime Screen at any time.
We will start a test phase with both offers in October. Would you like to participate? Then get in touch with us as soon as possible, because the number of places is limited..
Web pages must be calculated on a server, i.e. a computer, before they can be transferred to the user's computer. With Treepl CMS v5, as with all other content management systems, this calculation was done serially - that is, the individual components of a page (menu, header, content and footer) were calculated one after the other by the server (single threading).
With Treepl CMS v6, components of a website are calculated in parallel by the server and thus the complete page is sent to the user's computer much faster (multi-threading).
Multi-threading is a special feature of Treepl CMS and helps to speed up the calculation considerably, especially for complex websites that map and link the contents of different modules. This improved performance also has an impact on the relevance of the page with search engines and makes your project even more competitive.
The most important part of the data of your Treepl website is platform-agnostic, i.e. it can be migrated to other platforms if necessary. This includes the HTML and CSS code as well as all browser-side scripts. Dynamic data such as page content and customer enquiries can be exported as Excel spreadsheets at any time.
If you receive two invoices from us at the end of the creation of your web design project, one is usually the invoice with which you pay for the compensation for the creation of your website on the one hand, and on the other hand, an invoice with which you can paypay.booked hosting tariff
Your hosting invoice includes costs for the provision of your website on an Amazon Web Services (AWS) server, for the licence of the content management system (usually Treepl CMS) and our technical support. As we purchase these services with an annual contract from our technical partner, we also invoice you for these services annually.
We use Treepl CMS for three main reasons: Performance and security with simultaneous scalability. All three reasons play an important role for our clients. In our opinion, Wordpress is either secure or scalable in its range of functions. The reason is that Wordpress was originally designed as a system for blogs, but today it has to do much more - especially with the help of plugins from different manufacturers. This interaction makes the system vulnerable to security vulnerabilities.
With Treepl CMS, we can provide our customers with important functions without additional plugins and thus minimise the vulnerability to hacks. In addition, through the cooperation with our partner agencies and the Treepl developer team, we can quickly integrate individual wishes of our clients into the system. The result is a secure, easy-to-use CMS tailored to the needs of our clients from a single source.
Webdesign (7)
Treepl CMS offers dedicated servers as a service. These offer scalable performance on enterprise-level with intelligent and transparent billing. You can add servers, CPU power, memory and bandwidth at any time - and precisely for the period in which the service is required. Treepl also offers a Remote Data Service (RDS): Store your data in your own IT infrastructure and use your Treepl AWS instance to process it and display it on your website at high speed.
Treepl CMS stores website data of customers in the EU on Amazon Web Services (AWS) servers in Frankfurt/Main and thus complies with the strict regulations of the German Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO) regarding the storage location. AWS servers are secured multiple times and have a high level of fail-safety. If required, you can also host your data (CRM, modules, orders) separately, for example on your own company server. We can set up such a configuration for you with the support of the Treepl development team.
All websites we host on Treepl CMS or any other system are SSL encrypted.
Our websites are supported by the Consent Management Platform Usercentrics Monthly plans starting at €8 net are available for this service. For websites that have fewer than 100 sub-pages, the Cookiebot offers a free service that we are happy to integrate at no ongoing cost.
Contract for commissioned data processing
We can send you a contract for commissioned data processing at any time. Please contact us via the Support section.
The most important part of the data of your Treepl website is platform-agnostic, i.e. it can be migrated to other platforms if necessary. This includes the HTML and CSS code as well as all browser-side scripts. Dynamic data such as page content and customer enquiries can be exported as Excel spreadsheets at any time.
For more than 20 years, lochmüller.MEDIA has been offering creative web services to small and medium-sized enterprises. For the last 10 years, we have gained more and more customers from the medical sector. Today, our client base includes around 30 practices, medical care centres and medical product manufacturers, mainly in central Hesse and Hamburg. We work closely with these clients to further optimise our services in this special segment and adapt them to the constantly changing environment. Since 2021, we have been cooperating with an SEO expert specialising in the medical sector, who focuses primarily on the organic growth of websites with the help of high-quality content and backlinks as well as efficient recommendation management.
Our offer includes a 60-day guarantee on functionality. During this time after the final acceptance of your website, you can decide whether you are satisfied in detail with the functioning of the website or whether we should still add or improve one or another page or function as part of the project plan. By the way: We know our clients well enough that a reference to a fair-use policy is superfluous. When we write "Made with Love by lochmüller.MEDIA" in the copyright, we mean it.
If you receive two invoices from us at the end of the creation of your web design project, one is usually the invoice with which you pay for the compensation for the creation of your website on the one hand, and on the other hand, an invoice with which you can paypay.booked hosting tariff
Your hosting invoice includes costs for the provision of your website on an Amazon Web Services (AWS) server, for the licence of the content management system (usually Treepl CMS) and our technical support. As we purchase these services with an annual contract from our technical partner, we also invoice you for these services annually.
We use Treepl CMS for three main reasons: Performance and security with simultaneous scalability. All three reasons play an important role for our clients. In our opinion, Wordpress is either secure or scalable in its range of functions. The reason is that Wordpress was originally designed as a system for blogs, but today it has to do much more - especially with the help of plugins from different manufacturers. This interaction makes the system vulnerable to security vulnerabilities.
With Treepl CMS, we can provide our customers with important functions without additional plugins and thus minimise the vulnerability to hacks. In addition, through the cooperation with our partner agencies and the Treepl developer team, we can quickly integrate individual wishes of our clients into the system. The result is a secure, easy-to-use CMS tailored to the needs of our clients from a single source.
Content (3)
A photo shoot produces large amounts of raw data. On the one hand, because 5 to 10 photos are usually taken for each picture that we deliver to our customers. On the other hand, because raw data is initially created in RAW format during the shoot, which is only turned into usable photo files for you during post-processing. The creative service, the rights to use of which we sell to you, therefore always consists of the combination of three components - the raw data, the image selection and the final editing. Raw data also have a similar function for us as slides and negatives used to, namely as proof of authorship.
For these reasons, not only we, but all serious photographers do not pass on raw data to their client. Exceptions can only be agreed if they are justified by the nature of the project. For example, if extensive post-processing is still being done on the client's side for product photos, for which the higher data density of the RAW files is helpful.
We trust that you will book us because of the quality of our end product. Not only from a legal point of view, but also for creative reasons, we base our processes primarily on this criterion.
Images, texts, videos or even logos, graphics and layouts are considered intellectual property in german jurisdiction. Dessen Besitz bzw. Urheberschaft kann in Deutschland nicht verkauft werden. In §29 (1) des Urhebergesetzes (UrhG) steht, "Das Urheberrecht ist nicht übertragbar, es sei denn, es wird in Erfüllung einer Verfügung von Todes wegen oder an Miterben im Wege der Erbauseinandersetzung übertragen." Wir können Ihnen also legal nur ein Nutzungsrecht an diesen Werken verkaufen. Die Dimension dieses Nutzungsrechts können darüber hinaus auch noch eingeschränkt werden. Das tun viele Agenturen, die Ihnen zum Beispiel nur ein Nutzungsrecht für ein Jahr und nur für eine bestimmte Nutzungsart, z.B. eine Broschüre, einräumen.
Die Verwaltung von Nutzungsrechten kann kompliziert sein und Verstöße können zuweilen sehr teuer werden. Wir wollen es unseren Kunden einfach machen und räumen Ihnen daher mit unseren Lizenzen in der Regel ein zeitlich, räumlich und inhaltlich unbegrenztes Nutzungsrecht ein. Verwenden Sie also unser Material so lange wie Sie möchten und wo Sie wollen.
Beachten Sie aber bitte: Da Ihnen das Werk, dass Sie von uns bekommen, nicht gehören kann, haben Sie auch nicht die Möglichkeit, es anderen zur Nutzung zu überlassen - egal ob kostenfrei oder gegen Bezahlung. Da nehmen wir es dann schon genau.
Für Spezialisten: Bei dem Verkauf von geistigen Werken als NFTs (Non-Fungible-Tokens) ist für Deutschland rechtlich noch ungeklärt, was genau eigentlich verkauft wird oder werden darf. Ausführlich beschreibt das die Großkanzlei CMS hier: Rechtliche Herausforderungen sog. Non-Fungible Token (NFTs) (
With Pastime Screen, you can bring your own content to any internet-enabled screen in your practice or business - for example, waiting rooms, lounges, registration areas or lounges. You can provide your visitors with information about services, messages, news or simply entertaining content in text, image, video or audio form - controlled from the same admin portal you use to manage your website. Promote your latest product or service. Or welcome your customers with personalised messages. Provide an overview of the programme, speakers or even participants present at your events or conferences. In short: Bring your digital content into your room with the help of Pastime Screen.
Pastime Content adds professional content related to your field or industry to Pastime Screen. Configure streams with text, images and videos that suit you and add them to your Pastime Screen at any time.
We will start a test phase with both offers in October. Would you like to participate? Then get in touch with us as soon as possible, because the number of places is limited..
E-Mail (3)
Through the website you can access your Treepl CMS email account with any browser via webmailer. There you can also set up forwardings and change the password.
You can find a brief insight here:
If you want to reset your password for an e-mail account, you have two options:
- Contact us directly. We will be happy to reset your password manually via our portal access.
- Use your webmailer at After you have logged in there, you can change your password yourself at any time at Settings/Password.
If your website hosting with Treepl CMS also includes email accounts, you can use them in two ways:
With a web browser: To do this, go to this page and enter your email address and password there when prompted.
With an e-mail programme on your computer or smartphone: Please look for the option to set up an e-mail account manually in your programme. You will need the following information:
Username: Your email address
Password: Your Password
Server for incoming mail (Pop3 oder IMAP):
Server for outgoing mail:
You may also need to make so-called port settings:
Port settings for incoming mail |
IMAP and POP3 are equally supported |
Port Settings for Outgoing Mail |
465 (SSL enabled) | 25 or 587 (TLS) | 8025 (SSL disabled) |
Please contact us, if you have difficulties setting up your e-mail account in the programme of your choice.
lochmüller.MEDIA (2)
Our offer includes a 60-day guarantee on functionality. During this time after the final acceptance of your website, you can decide whether you are satisfied in detail with the functioning of the website or whether we should still add or improve one or another page or function as part of the project plan. By the way: We know our clients well enough that a reference to a fair-use policy is superfluous. When we write "Made with Love by lochmüller.MEDIA" in the copyright, we mean it.
If you receive two invoices from us at the end of the creation of your web design project, one is usually the invoice with which you pay for the compensation for the creation of your website on the one hand, and on the other hand, an invoice with which you can paypay.booked hosting tariff
Your hosting invoice includes costs for the provision of your website on an Amazon Web Services (AWS) server, for the licence of the content management system (usually Treepl CMS) and our technical support. As we purchase these services with an annual contract from our technical partner, we also invoice you for these services annually.